The chickens who we refer to as our “Old Girls” are Rhode Island Reds and were our first chickens that we raised on Reeds Farm. They are a beautiful rusted red color. The Easter Eggers are a beautiful assortment of heritage breeds. All of the hens we have are popular for backyard coops, but prone to being abandoned when they stop laying their multi-colored eggs.
Our newest set of hens was ethically sourced from Meyer Hatchery!
Founded in 1985 by Karen Meyer, this family-run, women-owned and women-led business has become a leader in the poultry industry, offering over 160 breeds of birds. Known for innovations like sexed bantams, small minimum orders, and a 100% gender accuracy guarantee, Meyer Hatchery is committed to delivering healthy chicks and top-notch customer service.
All of the chicks hatched by Meyer Hatchery get homes, regardless of their sex. To reduce the number of extra chicks, the company takes pre-orders so they can hatch the correct amount. Any chicks that are not pre-sold go into assortments; any additional extras go into their retail store and are sold at a greatly reduced rate.
The Reed's Farm team carefully selected friendly breeds like Salmon Faverolles and Light Brown Leghorns, known for their sweet nature.
Our chickens will be with us throughout their natural egg-laying and non-egg-laying lives! They play an important role on our working farm as their daily physical functions provide a tremendous source of nitrogen to the soil and they are champions of turning the soil just by scratching and pecking it! Did you know that chickens can recognize around 100 faces? Each of our hens have a distinct personality, but they all enjoy taking dust baths and exploring their playground.
Check out some more photos of the animals you'll see when you visit the farm!